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Join the #SaveYourSmile Challenge and Help Prevent Oral Cancer

Film a Video, Raise Awareness, and Win a Yearly Subscription to Ornament!

Challenge runs from April 6 to 27. Don’t miss out!

Join the challenge

Nargis Dutt Foundation × Ornament

Raise awareness about oral cancer


Ready to make a difference in the fight against oral cancer? The Nargis Dutt Foundation and a health monitoring app Ornament are teaming up to bring you the #SaveYourSmile challenge on Paysenger.

Smile for the camera! Read our article about oral cancer and its risk factors. Help us raise awareness by filming a video sharing what you learned.


Nargis Dutt Foundation is a registered, charitable organization working passionately in the areas of Health & Education since 1981.

We believe, no lives should be lost due to unaffordability of medical treatment and no child should be deprived of a good education due to lack of funds.

Recovering children
Ornament App's screenshots

Ornament is a health monitoring app developed by the Swiss company Ornament Health AG. It allows users to track their biomarkers, risks and overall health using lab tests.

Ornament has over 2 million users and is available across the Globe in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.

How to participate and win a yearly subscription to Ornament?


Read our article about oral cancer and its risk factors


Smile for the camera!

Start your video by showing us your beautiful smile. Then share what you learned about oral cancer prevention. Don’t hesitate to include your personal tip for healthy living.

For example:
I smile for oral cancer prevention! Did you know that oral cancer is the most common cancer among Indian males and third most common cancer in Indian women. One of the things you can do to reduce the risk of oral cancer is quit smoking. I quit smoking 5 years ago and what helped me cope with it was regular runs.


Post your video on Paysenger

Use the hashtags: #SaveYourSmile, #NargisDuttFoundation and #Ornament


Share your video on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter

Include a call to join the challenge and a link to your post on Paysenger

Don’t forget about the hashtag: #SaveYourSmile. The more likes your Paysenger post gets, the more are your chances to win the reward.


20 posts with the most engagement on Paysenger will get the prize — a yearly subscription to Ornament!

What is oral cancer

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that affects the mouth and throat area, and it is a serious health concern that affects many people around the world.

One of the highest oral cancer incidences is found in India, with India contributing approximately 30% of all new cases globally and accounting for one-third of the global burden of oral cancers. Oral cancer is the most common cancer among Indian males and third most common cancer in Indian women and leads to 22.9% of all cancer-related deaths in India.

According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016-17), the percentage of adults who were current smokeless tobacco users in India was 21.4% with a 29.6% prevalence in males and 12.8% prevalence in females. In a study by Sinha et al., it was found that 33.5% of Indian smokeless tobacco users had no formal education. Two other studies conducted in India reported a significantly higher smokeless tobacco use in populations from lower socio-economic strata.

Risk Factors

  • The use of tobacco and/or arecanut in any form is one of the main risk factors of oral cancer. Smokeless tobacco is commonly used in India and South East Regions in various forms, often combined with other substances. It is more prevalent in rural areas than urban areas and locally made products can make it difficult to investigate use. Betel quid has historically been believed to have medicinal benefits and chewing «paan» is still commonly believed to aid digestion by a large portion of the population.
  • Excessive use of alcohol is also a risk factor, especially when combined with tobacco use.
  • Persistent injury from a sharp or broken tooth or artificial dentures can also increase the risk of oral cancer.
  • Poor oral hygiene, such as not brushing or flossing regularly, can also contribute to the development of oral cancer.


There are several symptoms of oral cancer that you should be aware of, they include:

  • Persistent, white, red or mixed patch in the mouth which cannot be scrapped off
  • Ulcer or growth which increases in size
  • Progressive pain/bleeding from the mouth
  • Difficulty in chewing or swallowing or speech
  • Swelling of gums/loosening of tooth
  • Difficulty in opening mouth and protruding tongue
  • Swelling in the neck

Prevention and Early Detection

The good news is that there are several things you can do to reduce the risk of oral cancer.

First and foremost, avoid tobacco and alcohol use, and maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. You can also reduce your risk by eating a food of the non-irritating temperature and of the less inflammation provocative content — less spicy and less acidic.

Early detection is key to successful treatment of oral cancer, so it is important to be aware of the symptoms and to have regular oral visual examinations by a healthcare provider.

You can also perform a mouth self-examination by using a mirror to check the inside of your mouth for any abnormal patches, ulcers, or growths.

Improving cancer screening services and reducing inappropriate testing requires changing community behavior and making screening services available in a timely manner. It also involves training health care providers to screen for common cancers, developing a good referral network for patients who screen positive, and empowering them to provide education on overall oral health. An oral health screening program can provide an opportunity for oral health professionals to screen for various conditions and promote regular dental visits for ongoing care.